Address Transparency

The important addresses of Self Chain

About important addresses and our commitment to transparency, here are locations of note:

  • Team: self1vcswf6397qvnua84dndg4p8tlldjp83cm9yrmq

  • Ecosystem: self1e20929j3gng6cy72qapar630977vffqqzwxj75

  • Foundation Node: self12xes3fhuhfdech9gkyjhl526l6gdh3n3kwe3ml

  • Foundation Node: self1p9zmq9f5ftxwke6urd3vr98rypjhettfrsnna3

  • Foundation Node: self1c0h75n6pfnl9pk80dktqnjwvqgz0tu2trfwg40

  • Foundation Node: self14ga5vmrskscuj3yktvjksm93sdt2f8r9k35pm0

  • Foundation Node: self1sah0w5e2a2nxrru4t6e6n3v47xulklwvru7hmh

  • Foundation Node: self1ychdx0fl0gt9c74afeeqr6ykv5j5rcqawxx2me

  • Foundation Node: self1vwvjfg8ezhuspk5lamkakahc32yudf4wkgrsh6

Note: The team has a 6-year vesting. Foundation Node tokens are locked permanently and only benefit from staking rewards. The addresses can be viewed on Explorer 1 or Explorer 2.

Last updated