Paramter Change Proposal

What is a Parameter Change Proposal?

A Parameter Change Proposal is a governance tool that enables changes to configurable parameters within Self Chain. Examples of parameters that can be updated include:

  • Governance Parameters: Adjusting deposit amounts, quorum thresholds, or voting periods.

  • Inflation Rates: Changing block rewards or inflation rates.

  • Staking Requirements: Modifying minimum delegation or unbonding periods.

  • Gas Fees: Adjusting minimum gas prices.

Proposal Structure

Title: a concise title summarizing the proposed change (e.g., “Proposal to Adjust Gas Fees to 0.01 SLF”).

Summary: summarize the purpose of the proposal in 2-3 sentences, including the parameter(s) to be updated and the intended benefits.

Prepare the JSON file:

  "title": "Upgrade Voting Period to 1h",
  "summary": "We would like to upgrade the voting period to 1 hour.",
  "metadata": "ipfs://CID",
  "messages": [
     "@type": "/",
     "authority": "self10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700jlfwec6",
     "params": {
        "min_deposit": [
            "denom": "uslf",
            "amount": "10000000"
        "max_deposit_period": "172800s",
        "quorum": "0.334000000000000000",
        "threshold": "0.500000000000000000",
        "veto_threshold": "0.334000000000000000",
        "min_initial_deposit_ratio": "1",
        "voting_period": "300s"
  "deposit": "10000000uslf"

To query the gov account for the authority field, use the command:

selfchaind query auth module-account gov --node

Query the gov module params:

selfchaind query gov params --node

Last updated