Log Console Troubleshooting
Guide to Handle Errors On Log Console
Node / Validator is offline due to full Block Storage used by DigitalOcean Droplet
Whenever you see the error on the console => your_droplet_volume is using 100.0% of XXGB.
It means your node storage capacity is full and needs more space to store the blockchain data.
First, you need to check how much space is available in your volume:
Connect to your Droplet using SSH.
Check the volume size with the command:
df -h -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs
You will see the bellow table:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use % Mounted on
node_file_path 209G 96G 105G 48% your_node_volume
If the Use %
is ~ 100%, you will need to increase your volume size. Follow the below steps:
1. On your Droplet, go to Volumes
and click More > Increase Size
and click More > Increase Size
2. Set your new volume size and click Resize Volume
Resize Volume
3. SSH into your Droplet and run sudo resize2fs node_volume_name
sudo resize2fs node_volume_name
4. Run df -h -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs
To double-check check the size was increased.
df -h -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs
To double-check check the size was increased.Replace node_volume_name
with your volume name. You can find yours by clicking more > Config Instructions.
After the volume size of your node is increased, try to restart your node and make sure the validator is online again.
Last updated