Voting on a Proposal

Voting on Proposals in Self Chain Governance

Voting on proposals is a critical aspect of governance on Self Chain, allowing stakeholders to express their preferences and participate in network decisions. This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to vote for a proposal.

What is the Voting Phase?

After a proposal meets the minimum deposit requirement, it enters the voting phase, during which all eligible stakeholders can cast their votes. The voting phase lasts for a specified period, and the outcome is determined by the voting results.

Voting Options

Stakeholders can choose from the following options:

  • Yes: Support the proposal

  • No: Oppose the proposal

  • NoWithVeto: Strongly oppose and deem it harmful; veto threshold rejection

  • Abstain: Indicate neutrality or lack of opinion

How to Vote

  1. Ensure your wallet contains the required SLF tokens for voting (typically your staked SLF tokens are used to determine your voting weight).

  2. Use the CLI to cast your vote:

    selfchaind tx gov vote <proposal-id> yes \
    --from=<your-wallet> \
    --broadcast-mode sync \
    --keyring-dir $SELF_CHAIN_HOME/keys \
    --keyring-backend file \
    --gas-adjustment="1.2" \
    --gas-prices="0.5uslf" \
    --chain-id="self-test-1" \
    --gas="auto" \
  3. After casting your vote, confirm that it has been recorded successfully.

Viewing Votes

To see how a particular validator voted, use the following command:

  • Check a specific voter's vote:

    selfchaind query gov vote <proposal-id> <voter-addr>
  • Check all votes on a proposal:

    selfchaind query gov votes <proposal-id>

Last updated