FRONT Migration

A Comprehensive guide to migrate FRONT to SLF

As a key element of our rebranding strategy, we are commencing the conversion of tokens from FRONT to SLF. This exchange will occur on an equal basis, meaning for each FRONT token you currently possess, you will be entitled to one SLF token in exchange.

The Migration app does not support Ledger yet, please use a hot wallet (Kepler / Leap / Cosmostation) to migrate and after that transfer your SLF tokens to your Ledger.

Key Highlights:

  • 25% of SLF Supply will be allocated to FRONT Migration, 90M SLF.

  • No lockup, no vesting for Migration Allocation.

  • FRONT holding on CEXs will need to wait for CEX support, or withdraw to non-custodial wallets and do the Migration manually.

Be aware that SLF liquidity and CEX listing are not available yet, once migrating FRONT to SLF, you will not be able to convert back to FRONT.

If migrating now, you can stake SLF at

For the CEX listings plan, visit Central Exchanges FRONT to SLF Migration.

Before migrating, verify the FRONT token contract: FRONT ERC20 Token Contract on Ethereum

FRONT BEP20 Token Contract on BNB Chain

Important: Only FRONT ERC-20 on Ethereum is supported by the Migration App, If you are holding FRONT on BNB Chain, the first step is to transfer it into Ethereum. Follow How to Bridge FRONT from BNB Chain (BEP20) to Ethereum (ERC20).

How do you migrate FRONT ERC20 to SLF on Self Chain with web wallet extensions?

Open the Migrator Application

Click on Add Self Chain to Keplr button at the bottom of the page to add the Self Chain

network to your Keplr wallet.

Click the Connect ERC20 Wallet button to connect your wallet with the migrator.

Partial migration is not supported, you will need to migrate the whole FRONT balance.

  • Enter your receiving SLF address.

  • Click Approve FRONT and confirm the transaction on your wallet.

  • Click Migrate All FRONT Balance to start the migration process.

The next step is releasing your SLF on Self Chain. On the Vesting Position, click Release.

Confirm the signing transaction on your wallet and wait a few minutes on the migrator to process your SLF token balance on Self Chain.

Next, you can Stake SLF to get rewards and support blockchain security.

How to migrate FRONT to SLF on Self Chain on Mobile?


  • Keplr mobile app.

  • ERC-20 support wallets, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet ...etc

  • Some FRONT on Ethereum and ETH for transaction fee.

Step 1: Migrate $FRONT on Ethereum

  • Open on Wallet Browser or mobile browser (Chrome, Safari).

  • Connect your wallet by Connect ERC20 Wallet button.

  • If you are using a mobile browser, select the WalletConnect option.

  • After the ERC20 wallet is connected, you should see your FRONT balance.

  • Fill in the SLF address that you will receive SLF. (Open the Keplr app to get the address)

  • Approve and Transfer FRONT.

Step 2: Releasing SLF on Self Chain

  • Open the Keplr mobile app.

  • On the Browser Tab, enter the migration app URL

  • Connect the app with Keplr wallet.

  • In the middle of the page, click on the Release button on the vesting table.

  • Confirm the transaction on Keplr.

  • After the transaction gets confirmed, the migrated SLF tokens should reflected on your balance.

To SLF balance display on Keplr, you will need to add Self Chain Mainnet into Keplr by using, check out this guide.

Using CLI to release the SLF tokens on migration

Because the Migration application does not support Ledger yet if the user uses the Ledger wallet address (added to Keplr) to migrate, they will not be able to release the SLF tokens on the UI of the Migration App. In that case, an alternative way to release the tokens is to use selfchaind command line interface.

Step 1: Download the binary file from Self Chain Releases

  • Download version v1.0.1 which supports the Ledger. Name the file is selfchaind

  • selfchain-darwin for Mac and selfchaind-linux for Linux.

Step 2: Make the binary executable

  • You can put the file anywhere on your computer.

  • Make the file executable with the command (on Mac).

chmod 755 YourScriptDirectory/selfchaind

Step 3: Add Ledger to Keys

  1. Connect your Ledger to your Laptop / Desktop and open the Ledger Live.

  2. Ensure you install the latest Ledger Live version and the latest Ledger Nano firmware. Ledger Live will have a notification on the header telling you if your version is outdated.

  3. Install the Cosmos app through Ledger Live and then open it on your Ledger device.

  4. Add your Ledger with the command ./selfchaind keys add <key-name> --ledger

Keep your <key-name> for next step.

Step 4: Release SLF tokens with the command

./selfchaind tx selfvesting release 0 \
--node  \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-prices="0.5uslf" \
--gas-adjustment="1.5" \
--chain-id self-1 \
--broadcast-mode sync \
--ledger  \
--from <key-name>

After running the command on the terminal, confirm the transaction on your Ledger.

Last updated